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Mostly vocabulary stories


NEW VOCABULARY STORY 60 Do Now NOW WITH HINDI, ARABIC AND KOREAN VERSIONS NOTE The translations are done by Google translate. A reverse translation shows varying accuracy. If those in the language groups included can do better, I will change it to your version. Paul Skittone CAN YOU MAKE A STORY CONTAINING THESE FIVE WORDS?: INTREPID INUNDATE INVERT INURE INTRACTABLE MY VOCABULARY STORY: Travelers in outer space must be intrepid. First, they are inundated with cosmic rays. Then they are weightless. Being inverted or upright is all the same. You can get inured to it but the damage is intractable and certain. SIMPLE VERSION: Travelers in outer space must be brave. First, they are flooded with cosmic rays. Then they are weightless. Being upside down or upright is all the same. You can get used to it but the damage is hard to manage and certain. HINDI: बाहरी अंतरिक्ष में यात्रियों को निडर होना चाहिए। सबसे पहले, वे कॉस्मिक किरणों से जलमग्न होते हैं। फिर वे भारहीन होते हैं। उल्टा या सीधा होना सब एक जैसा है। आप इसके लिए पेशाब कर सकते हैं लेकिन नुकसान असहनीय और निश्चित है। सरल संस्करण: बाहरी अंतरिक्ष में यात्रियों को बहादुर होना चाहिए। सबसे पहले, वे कॉस्मिक किरणों से भर जाते हैं। फिर वे भारहीन होते हैं। उल्टा या सीधा होना सब एक जैसा है। आप इसके आदी हो सकते हैं लेकिन नुकसान का प्रबंधन करना मुश्किल है और निश्चित है। ARABIC: يجب أن يكون المسافرون في الفضاء الخارجي شجعان. أولا ، تغمرها الأشعة الكونية. ثم هم عديم الوزن. كونك مقلوبا أو مستقيما هو كل شيء. يمكنك أن تعتاد على ذلك ولكن الضرر مستعصي ومؤكد. نسخة بسيطة: يجب أن يكون المسافرون في الفضاء الخارجي شجعان. أولا ، تغمرها الأشعة الكونية. ثم هم عديم الوزن. أن تكون مقلوبا أو مستقيما هو كل شيء. يمكنك التعود على ذلك ولكن من الصعب إدارة الضرر ومؤكد. KOREAN: 우주의 여행자는 용감해야합니다. 첫째, 그들은 우주선으로 범람합니다. 그런 다음 그들은 무중력입니다. 거꾸로 또는 똑바로 세우는 것은 모두 동일합니다. 당신은 그것에 익숙해 질 수 있지만 손상은 다루기 어렵고 확실합니다. 간단한 버전 : 우주를 여행하는 사람들은 용감해야 합니다. 첫째, 그들은 우주선으로 넘쳐납니다. 그런 다음 그들은 무중력입니다. 거꾸로 또는 똑바로 세우는 것은 모두 동일합니다. 익숙해 질 수는 있지만 피해는 관리하기 어렵고 확실합니다. VIETNAMESE: Du khách ngoài vũ trụ phải gan dạ. Đầu tiên, chúng bị ngập trong các tia vũ trụ. Sau đó, họ không trọng lượng. Đảo ngược hoặc thẳng đứng đều giống nhau. Bạn có thể làm quen với nó, nhưng thiệt hại là khó chữa và chắc chắn. PHIÊN BẢN ĐƠN GIẢN: Du khách ngoài vũ trụ phải dũng cảm. Đầu tiên, chúng tràn ngập các tia vũ trụ. Sau đó, họ không trọng lượng. Lộn ngược hoặc thẳng đứng đều giống nhau. Bạn có thể quen với nó nhưng thiệt hại rất khó quản lý và chắc chắn. GERMAN Reisende im Weltraum müssen unerschrocken sein. Erstens werden sie von kosmischer Strahlung überschwemmt. Dann sind sie schwerelos. Umgekehrt oder aufrecht zu sein ist dasselbe. Sie können sich daran


NEW VOCABULARY STORY 59 Do Now NOW WITH HINDI, ARABIC AND KOREAN VERSIONS NOTE The translations are done by Google translate. A reverse translation shows varying accuracy. If those in the language groups included can do better, I will change it to your version. Paul Skittone CAN YOU MAKE A STORY CONTAINING THESE FIVE WORDS?: SOMBER LAMENT LATENT SOLVENT LAMPOON MY VOCABULARY STORY: People in the late Roman Empire, somberly lamented the breakup of their society. The solvent that caused the collapse was always latent. Now their institutions were lampooned openly without penalty. SIMPLE VERSION: People in the late Roman Empire, gloomily mourned the breakup of their society. The force that caused the collapse was always lurking. Now their institutions were mocked openly without penalty. HINDI: मेरी शब्दावली कहानी: स्वर्गीय रोमन साम्राज्य में लोगों ने अपने समाज के टूटने पर शोक व्यक्त किया। पतन का कारण बनने वाला विलायक हमेशा अव्यक्त था। अब उनके संस्थानों को बिना किसी दंड के खुलेआम रोशन किया गया। सरल संस्करण: स्वर्गीय रोमन साम्राज्य में लोगों ने अपने समाज के टूटने पर शोक व्यक्त किया। पतन का कारण बनने वाला बल हमेशा छिपा हुआ था। अब उनके संस्थानों का बिना किसी जुर्माने के खुलेआम मजाक उड़ाया जाने लगा। ARABIC: قصة مفرداتي: الناس في أواخر الإمبراطورية الرومانية ، رثوا بحزن تفكك مجتمعهم. كان المذيب الذي تسبب في الانهيار كامنا دائما. الآن تم السخرية من مؤسساتهم علنا دون عقوبة. نسخة بسيطة: حزن الناس في أواخر الإمبراطورية الرومانية على تفكك مجتمعهم. كانت القوة التي تسببت في الانهيار كامنة دائما. الآن تم الاستهزاء بمؤسساتهم علنا دون عقوبة. KOREAN: 내 어휘 이야기 : 로마 제국 후기의 사람들은 사회의 해체를 침울하게 한탄했습니다. 붕괴를 일으킨 용매는 항상 잠복했습니다. 이제 그들의 기관들은 형벌 없이 공개적으로 비난을 받았다. 간단한 버전 : 로마 제국 후기의 사람들은 사회의 붕괴를 우울하게 애도했습니다. 붕괴를 일으킨 힘은 항상 숨어있었습니다. 이제 그들의 기관들은 벌칙 없이 공개적으로 조롱을 당했습니다. VIETNAMESE: CÂU CHUYỆN TỪ VỰNG CỦA TÔI: Những người vào cuối Đế chế La Mã, buồn bã than thở về sự tan rã của xã hội của họ. Dung môi gây ra sự sụp đổ luôn tiềm ẩn. Bây giờ các tổ chức của họ đã bị đả kích công khai mà không bị phạt. PHIÊN BẢN ĐƠN GIẢN: Người dân vào cuối Đế chế La Mã, ảm đạm thương tiếc sự tan rã của xã hội của họ. Lực lượng gây ra sự sụp đổ luôn rình rập. Bây giờ các tổ chức của họ đã bị chế giễu công khai mà không bị phạt.


HINDI: Can you create a story consisting of these five words? judicious labyrinth tangled to burn commingling My vocabulary story: You have to be prudent to deal with the maze of complex rules. A business in New York City. This creates hatred especially in close proximity with one. Free state like Florida. arabic: Can you make a story with these five words?: Wise Maze Complex kindle Juxtaposition The story of my vocabulary: You have to be wise to deal with a maze of complex regulations to get Company in New York City. It ignites hatred, especially in juxtawa. A free state like Florida. korean: KOREAN: Can you create a story with these five words?: judicious maze Knotty kindle abreast My vocabulary story: You have to be smart to handle the maze of knotted regulations. Businesses in New York City. It especially inflames hatred, Free states like Florida. vietnamese: CAN YOU MAKE A STORY THAT CONTAINS THESE FIVE WORDS?: CAUTIOUS MAZE DIFFICULT GROUP JUXTAPOSITION MY VOCABULARY STORY: You must be cautious to deal with a maze of regulatory kinks to take a business in New York City. It kindles hatred, especially in juxtaposition with a free states like Florida.


NEW VOCABULARY STORY 58 Do Now NOW WITH HINDI, ARABIC AND KOREAN VERSIONS NOTE The translations are done by Google translate. A reverse translation shows varying accuracy. If those in the language groups included can do better, I will change it to your version. Paul Skittone CAN YOU MAKE A STORY CONTAINING THESE FIVE WORDS?: JUDICIOUS LABYRINTH KNOTTY KINDLE JUXTAPOSITION MY VOCABULARY STORY: You have to be judicious to deal with a labyrinth of knotty regulations to have a business in New York City. It kindles hatred especially in juxtaposition to a free state like Florida. SIMPLE VERSION: You have to be careful to deal with a maze of complicated regulations to have a business in New York City. It excites hatred especially in side by side coparision to a free state like Florida. HINDI: क्या आप इन पांच शब्दों से युक्त एक कहानी बना सकते हैं? विवेकपूर्ण भूलभुलैयाँ जटिल जलाना संसर्ग मेरी शब्दावली कहानी: आपको जटिल नियमों की भूलभुलैया से निपटने के लिए विवेकपूर्ण होना होगा। न्यूयॉर्क शहर में एक व्यवसाय। यह विशेष रूप से एक के साथ निकटता में नफरत पैदा करता है फ्लोरिडा की तरह मुक्त राज्य। ARABIC: هل يمكنك عمل قصة تحتوي على هذه الكلمات الخمس؟: الحكيم متاهه المعقده أضرم تجاور قصة مفرداتي: عليك أن تكون حكيما للتعامل مع متاهة من اللوائح المعقدة للحصول على شركة في مدينة نيويورك. إنه يشعل الكراهية خاصة في تجاور ولاية حرة مثل فلوريدا. KOREAN: 이 다섯 단어가 포함된 이야기를 만들 수 있습니까?: 현명한 미로 결 절 불붙이다 나란히 내 어휘 이야기 : 매듭이 있는 규정의 미로를 처리하려면 현명해야 합니다. 뉴욕시의 사업체. 그것은 특히 증오를 불태우고 플로리다와 같은 자유 주. VIETNAMESE: BẠN CÓ THỂ LÀM MỘT CÂU CHUYỆN CÓ CHỨA NĂM TỪ NÀY KHÔNG?: THẬN TRỌNG MÊ CUNG KHÓ KHĂN NHÓM VỊ TRÍ KỀ NHAU CÂU CHUYỆN TỪ VỰNG CỦA TÔI: Bạn phải thận trọng để đối phó với một mê cung của các quy định nút thắt để có một doanh nghiệp ở thành phố New York. Nó nhen nhóm hận thù, đặc biệt là ở vị trí kề nhau với một tiểu bang tự do như Florida.


HINDI: Can you make up a story with these five words?: Of iron furious out of reach maintain symmetry My Vocabulary Story: It is ironic that people are angry with some reprehensible politicians. They want a good sustainable economy with symmetry of all parts. Simple version: It is strange that people are offended by some innocent comments. They want a good sustainable economy with the cooperation of all sections. ARABIC: Can you create a story with these five words?: sarcastic angry It is impeccable Keep symmetry My vocabulary story: Ironically, people are angry at some politicians who can't be blamed. All they want is good sustainable economy with symmetry of parts. Simple version: Oddly enough, people are pissed off at some of the flawless comments. All they want is a good, solid economy with spare parts cooperation. Korean: Can you create a story that includes the following five words? ironic angry irreproachable last Symmetry My Vocabulary Story: Ironically, people get mad at politicians who can't be blamed. What they want is a good sustainable economy with symmetry of parts. simple version: It's weird how weird people get mad at comments they can't blame. All they want is a durable economy through parts collaboration. VIETNAMESE: CAN YOU MAKE A STORY WITH THIS FIVE WORD?: Sarcasm angry CANNOT be GREAT MAINTAIN OPPOSITE STORY MY VOCABULARY: It is ironic that people are angry at some irreproachable politicians. All they want is a good sustainable economy with a balance of parts. SIMPLE VERSION: It's odd that there are people who are angry with some innocent politicians. All they want is a good and sustainable economy with co-operative departments.


NEW VOCABULARY STORY 58 Do Now NOW WITH HINDI, ARABIC AND KOREAN VERSIONS NOTE The translations are done by Google translate. A reverse translation shows varying accuracy. If those in the language groups included can do better, I will change it to your version. Paul Skittone CAN YOU MAKE A STORY CONTAINING THESE FIVE WORDS?: IRONIC IRATE IRREPROACHABLE SUSTAIN SYMMETRY MY VOCABULARY STORY: It ironic people are irate at some irreproachable politicians. All they want is a good sustainable economy with symmetry of parts. SIMPLE VERSION: It odd people are angry at some blameless politicians. All they want is a good durable economy with cooperating parts. HINDI: क्या आप इन पाँच शब्दों से युक्त एक कहानी बना सकते हैं?: लोहे का क्रुद्ध पहुंच से बाहर का बनाए रखना समरूपता मेरी शब्दावली कहानी: यह विडम्बना है कि लोग कुछ निन्दनीय राजनेताओं से नाराज हैं। वे सभी भागों की समरूपता के साथ एक अच्छी टिकाऊ अर्थव्यवस्था चाहते हैं। सरल संस्करण: यह अजीब है कि लोग कुछ दोषहीन टिप्पणियों से नाराज़ हैं। वे सभी भागों के सहयोग से एक अच्छी टिकाऊ अर्थव्यवस्था चाहते हैं। ARABIC: هل يمكنك إنشاء قصة تحتوي على هذه الكلمات الخمس؟: ساخر غاضب لا غبار عليه حَافَظ على تناظر قصتي المفردات: ومن المفارقات أن الناس غاضبون من بعض السياسيين الذين لا يمكن لومهم. كل ما يريدونه هو اقتصاد مستدام جيد مع تناسق الأجزاء. نسخة بسيطة: من الغريب أن الناس غاضبون من بعض التعليقات التي لا تشوبها شائبة. كل ما يريدونه هو اقتصاد جيد ومتين مع التعاون في قطع الغيار. KOREAN: 다음 다섯 단어를 포함하는 이야기를 만들 수 있나요? 아이러니하다 분노하다 비난할 수 없는 지속시키다 대칭 내 어휘 이야기: 아이러니하게도 사람들은 비난할 수 없는 정치인들에게 화를 냅니다. 그들이 원하는 것은 부분의 대칭을 갖춘 지속 가능한 좋은 경제입니다. 간단한 버전: 이상한 사람들이 비난할 수 없는 댓글에 화를 내는 것이 이상합니다. 그들이 원하는 것은 부품 협력을 통한 내구성 있는 경제뿐이다. VIETNAMESE: BẠN CÓ THỂ LÀM MỘT CÂU CHUYỆN CHỨA NĂM TỪ NÀY KHÔNG?: Mỉa mai tức giận KHÔNG THỂ TUYỆT VỜI DUY TRÌ ĐỐI DIỆN CÂU CHUYỆN TỪ VỰNG CỦA TÔI: Thật trớ trêu là mọi người lại giận dữ với một số chính trị gia không thể chê trách được. Tất cả những gì họ muốn là một nền kinh tế bền vững tốt với sự cân xứng giữa các bộ phận. PHIÊN BẢN ĐƠN GIẢN: Thật kỳ quặc khi có những người tức giận với một số chính trị gia vô tội. Tất cả những gì họ muốn là một nền kinh tế tốt và bền vững với các bộ phận hợp tác. ​


HINDI: Can you create a story consisting of these five words? over sensitive hidden unnecessary to remove the other side My vocabulary story: World War II the U.S. economy was susceptible to covert additional tariffs for military goods. Unnecessary expenses to fill pockets of money. A wartime control board replaced the ordinary order process to control it. In this way, we were able to surpass every production record and win the war. Arabic: Can you make a story with these five words?: susceptible Hidden Trailing Replace surpass The story of my vocabulary: The U.S. economy in World War II was subject to hidden surcharges for military goods. Unnecessary expenses for the line pockets of wealth. The wartime control panel replaced the normal dialing process to control this. In this way, we were able to bypass every production record and win the war. KOREAN: Can you create a story with these five words?: Vulnerable secret superfluous fallback Surpass My vocabulary story: During World War II, the U.S. economy was vulnerable to covert surcharges on munitions. Unnecessary spending to fill your pockets of riches. The Wartime Control Commission replaced the usual ordering process to control it. In this way, we were able to surpass all production records and win the war. VIETNAMESE: CAN YOU MAKE A STORY THAT CONTAINS THESE FIVE WORDS?: SENSITIVE SNEAKY SUPERFLUOUS REPLACE OVERCOME MY VOCABULARY STORY: The U.S. economy during World War II was susceptible to sneaky additional charges on military goods. Excess spending to line pockets of wealth. A wartime control panel replaced the conventional ordering process to control this. In this way, we were able to surpass all production records and win the fight.


NEW VOCABULARY STORY Do Now NOW WITH HINDI, ARABIC AND KOREAN VERSIONS NOTE The translations are done by Google translate. A reverse translation shows varying accuracy. If those in the language groups included can do better, I will change it to your version. Paul Skittone CAN YOU MAKE A STORY CONTAINING THESE FIVE WORDS?: SUSCEPTIBLE SURREPTITIOUS SUPERFLUOUS SUPPLANT SURPASS MY VOCABULARY STORY: The World War Two US economy was susceptible to surreptitious extra charges for military goods. Superfluous expences to line the riches pockets. A war time control board supplanted the ordinary ordering process to control this. In this way, we were able to surpass every production record and win the war. SIMPLE VERSION: The World War Two US economy was vunerable to hidden extra charges for military goods. Unnecessary expences to enrich the wealthy. A war time control board replaced the ordinary ordering process to control this. In this way, we were able to do better than every production record and win the war. HINDI: क्या आप इन पांच शब्दों से युक्त एक कहानी बना सकते हैं? अतिसंवेदनशील गुप्त अनावश्यक हटाना पार मेरी शब्दावली कहानी: द्वितीय विश्व युद्ध अमेरिकी अर्थव्यवस्था सैन्य सामानों के लिए गुप्त अतिरिक्त शुल्क के लिए अतिसंवेदनशील थी। धन की जेब ों को भरने के लिए अनावश्यक खर्च। एक युद्ध कालीन नियंत्रण बोर्ड ने इसे नियंत्रित करने के लिए साधारण आदेश प्रक्रिया को प्रतिस्थापित किया। इस तरह, हम हर उत्पादन रिकॉर्ड को पार करने और युद्ध जीतने में सक्षम थे। ARABIC: هل يمكنك عمل قصة تحتوي على هذه الكلمات الخمس؟: عرضه خفيه زائده تحل محل امتاز قصة مفرداتي: كان الاقتصاد الأمريكي في الحرب العالمية الثانية عرضة لرسوم إضافية خفية للسلع العسكرية. نفقات لا لزوم لها لخط جيوب الثروات. حلت لوحة التحكم في زمن الحرب محل عملية الطلب العادية للتحكم في هذا. بهذه الطريقة ، تمكنا من تجاوز كل سجل إنتاج وكسب الحرب. KOREAN: 이 다섯 단어가 포함된 이야기를 만들 수 있습니까?: 취약 비밀 여분의 대체 능가 내 어휘 이야기 : 제 2 차 세계 대전 미국 경제는 군수품에 대한 은밀한 추가 요금에 취약했습니다. 재물 주머니를 채우기 위한 불필요한 지출. 전시 통제 위원회는 이를 통제하기 위해 일반적인 주문 프로세스를 대체했습니다. 이런 식으로 우리는 모든 생산 기록을 능가하고 전쟁에서 승리할 수 있었습니다. VIETNAMESE: BẠN CÓ THỂ LÀM MỘT CÂU CHUYỆN CÓ CHỨA NĂM TỪ NÀY KHÔNG?: NHẠY CẢM LÉN LÚT THỪA THAY THẾ VƯỢT QUA CÂU CHUYỆN TỪ VỰNG CỦA TÔI: Nền kinh tế Mỹ trong Thế chiến II dễ bị ảnh hưởng bởi các khoản phí bổ sung lén lút đối với hàng hóa quân sự. Chi tiêu thừa để lót túi của cải. Một bảng kiểm soát thời chiến đã thay thế quy trình đặt hàng thông thường để kiểm soát điều này. Bằng cách này, chúng tôi đã có thể vượt qua mọi kỷ lục sản xuất và giành chiến thắng trong cuộc chiến.
reverse translation of story 56

reverse translation of story 56

hindi: Can you create a story consisting of these five words? determination crooked strong injurious Digaent. My vocabulary story: The decline of the lantern fly is amazing. They are crooked and courageous. They are harmful to trees. Preventive efforts are being made. Simple version: The staying power of the lantern fly is amazing. They are clever and tough. They are harmful to trees. Efforts are being made to investigate them. arabic: Can you make a story with these five words?: determination twisted Hardy Harmful deterrent Mophradati story: The identification of the lantern fly is amazing. They are elusive and hardy. They are harmful to trees. Deterrents are being experimented with. Simple version: The staying power of lanternfly is amazing. They are cunning and tough. It is harmful to trees. Checks are being tested. korean: Can you make a story with these five words?: determination twisted Hardy Harmful deterrent Mophradati story: The identification of the lantern fly is amazing. They are elusive and hardy. They are harmful to trees. Deterrents are being experimented with. Simple version: The staying power of lanternfly is amazing. They are cunning and tough. It is harmful to trees. Checks are being tested. vietnamese: CAN YOU MAKE A STORY WITH THIS FIVE WORD?: IDENTIFY DEVIOUS HARDY HARMFUL DETERRENCE STORY MY VOCABULARY: The prevention of lantern flies is excellent. They are cunning and healthy. They are detrimental to the plant. Deterrence measures are being adjudicated. SIMPLE VERSION: The power of the lantern fly is amazing. They are cunning and tough. They are harmful to plants. Check they are being tried.
NEW VOCABULARY STORY 56       The Tough Lantern Fly

NEW VOCABULARY STORY 56 The Tough Lantern Fly

NEW VOCABULARY STORY Do Now NOW WITH HINDI, ARABIC AND KOREAN VERSIONS NOTE The translations are done by Google translate. A reverse translation shows varying accuracy. If those in the language groups included can do better, I will change it to your version. Paul Skittone CAN YOU MAKE A STORY CONTAINING THESE FIVE WORDS?: DETERMINATION DEVIOUS HARDY DETRIMENTAL DETERENT MY VOCABULARY STORY: The deterination of the lantern fly is amazing. They are devious and hardy. They are detrimental to trees. Deterrents are being tried. SIMPLE VERSION: The staying power of the lantern fly is amazing. They are cunning and tough. They are harmful to trees. Checks on them are being tried. HINDI: क्या आप इन पांच शब्दों से युक्त एक कहानी बना सकते हैं? निर्धारण कुटिल मज़बूत हानिकारक डिगाएंट। मेरी शब्दावली कहानी: लालटेन मक्खी की गिरावट अद्भुत है। वे कुटिल और साहसी हैं। वे पेड़ों के लिए हानिकारक हैं। निवारक प्रयास किए जा रहे हैं। सरल संस्करण: लालटेन मक्खी की रहने की शक्ति अद्भुत है। वे चालाक और कठोर हैं। वे पेड़ों के लिए हानिकारक हैं। उन पर जांच की कोशिश की जा रही है। ARABIC: هل يمكنك عمل قصة تحتوي على هذه الكلمات الخمس؟: عزم الملتويه هاردي ضاره رادع قصة مفرداتي: تحديد ذبابة الفانوس أمر مدهش. هم مراوغة وهاردي. فهي ضارة بالأشجار. ويجري تجريب الروادع. نسخة بسيطة: قوة البقاء من ذبابة الفانوس مذهلة. هم الماكرة وصعبة. أنها ضارة بالأشجار. تجري تجربة الشيكات عليها. KOREAN: 이 다섯 단어가 포함된 이야기를 만들 수 있습니까?: 결심 악 독 강건한 해로운 억지력 내 어휘 이야기 : 랜턴 플라이의 결정은 놀랍습니다. 그들은 교활하고 강건합니다. 그들은 나무에 해롭다. 억지력이 시도되고 있습니다. 간단한 버전 : 랜턴 플라이의 지속력은 놀랍습니다. 그들은 교활하고 거칠다. 그들은 나무에 해롭다. 그들에 대한 수표가 시도되고 있습니다. VIETNAMESE: BẠN CÓ THỂ LÀM MỘT CÂU CHUYỆN CÓ CHỨA NĂM TỪ NÀY KHÔNG?: XÁC ĐỊNH DEVIOUS HARDY HẠI RĂN ĐE CÂU CHUYỆN TỪ VỰNG CỦA TÔI: Sự ngăn chặn của ruồi đèn lồng là tuyệt vời. Họ ranh ma và khỏe mạnh. Chúng gây bất lợi cho cây. Các biện pháp răn đe đang được xét xử. PHIÊN BẢN ĐƠN GIẢN: Sức mạnh của ruồi đèn lồng thật đáng kinh ngạc. Họ xảo quyệt và cứng rắn. Chúng có hại cho cây. Kiểm tra chúng đang được thử.
reverse translation of story 55

reverse translation of story 55

better hindi: Can you create a story consisting of these five words? ridicule heresy detachment un involvement a small wicker-basket produced My vocabulary story: The church condemned Galelao and said his doctrines were heretical. This disrupted science and created an emotional alienation among intellectuals. Their society became derivative and uncompetitive.


NEW VOCABULARY STORY 55 Do Now NOW WITH HINDI, ARABIC AND KOREAN VERSIONS NOTE The translations are done by Google translate. A reverse translation shows varying accuracy. If those in the language groups included can do better, I will change it to your version. Paul Skittone CAN YOU MAKE A STORY CONTAINING THESE FIVE WORDS?: DERIDE HERESY DETACHMENT HAMPER DERIVATIVE MY VOCABULARY STORY: The Church derided Galelao and said his theories were heresy. This hampered science and caused an emotional detachment in intellectuals. Their society became derivative and uncompetative. SIMPLE VERSION: The Church laughed at Galelao and said his theories were against religion. This crippled science and caused an emotional separation in thinking people. Their society became unoriginal and uncompetative. HINDI: क्या आप इन पांच शब्दों से युक्त एक कहानी बना सकते हैं? उपहास विधर्म निर्लिप्तता डलिया संजात मेरी शब्दावली कहानी: चर्च ने गैलेलाओ की निंदा की और कहा कि उनके सिद्धांत विधर्मी थे। इसने विज्ञान को बाधित किया और बुद्धिजीवियों में एक भावनात्मक अलगाव पैदा किया। उनका समाज व्युत्पन्न और अप्रतिस्पर्धी बन गया। ARABIC: هل يمكنك عمل قصة تحتوي على هذه الكلمات الخمس؟: استهزأ بدعه مفرزه تعوق مشتق قصة مفرداتي: سخرت الكنيسة من جاليلاو وقالت إن نظرياته بدعة. هذا أعاق العلم وتسبب في انفصال عاطفي في المثقفين. أصبح مجتمعهم مشتقا وغير تنافسي. KOREAN: 이 다섯 단어가 포함된 이야기를 만들 수 있습니까?: 조롱 이단 분리 방해하다 파생어 내 어휘 이야기 : 교회는 갈렐라오를 조롱하고 그의 이론이 이단이라고 말했습니다. 이것은 과학을 방해하고 지식인들에게 정서적 분리를 일으켰습니다. 그들의 사회는 파생적이고 비경쟁적이되었습니다. VIETNAMESE: BẠN CÓ THỂ LÀM MỘT CÂU CHUYỆN CÓ CHỨA NĂM TỪ NÀY KHÔNG?: CHẾ NHẠO DỊ GIÁO ĐỘI CẢN TRỞ ĐẠO HÀM CÂU CHUYỆN TỪ VỰNG CỦA TÔI: Giáo hội chế giễu Galelao và nói rằng lý thuyết của ông là dị giáo. Điều này cản trở khoa học và gây ra sự tách rời cảm xúc trong giới trí thức. Xã hội của họ trở nên phái sinh và không cạnh tranh.


hindi: Enmity between people is contrary to the requirement of a good society. It causes antagonism and rancor instead of cooperation. An easy recovery from this situation would be an anomaly. Simple version: Hatred between people is contrary to the requirement of a good society. Due to this, enmity and rancor arise in place of cooperation. It would be a strange thing to recover easily from this situation arabic: Enmity between people is the antithesis of what a good society needs. It causes hostility and hatred instead of cooperation. It would be an anomaly to recover easily from this condition. Simple version: Hatred among people is the opposite of what a good society needs. It causes hostility and repulsion instead of cooperation. It would be strange to recover so easily from this condition. korean: My Vocabulary Story: Hostility between people is the exact opposite of what a good society needs. Far from cooperation, it breeds hostility and antipathy. It is unusual to recover easily from this condition. Simple version: Hatred between people is the exact opposite of what a good society needs. Instead of cooperation, it encourages hostility and disgust. It is strange to recover easily from this condition. vietnamese: MY VOCABULARY STORY: Hostility between people is the antithesis of what is needed for a good society. It causes antagonism and aversion instead of cooperation. It would be unusual to be able to recover easily from this condition. SIMPLIFIED VERSION: Hatred between people is the opposite of what is needed for a good society. It causes hostility and antipathy instead of cooperation. It would be a strange thing to be able to recover easily from this condition.


NEW VOCABULARY STORY 54 Do Now NOW WITH HINDI, ARABIC AND KOREAN VERSIONS NOTE The translations are done by Google translate. A reverse translation shows varying accuracy. If those in the language groups included can do better, I will change it to your version. Paul Skittone CAN YOU MAKE A STORY CONTAINING THESE FIVE WORDS?: ANIMOSITY ANTITHESIS ANTAGONISM ANTIPATHY ANOMALY MY VOCABULARY STORY: Animosity among people is the antithesis of what is need for a good society. It causes antagonism and antipathy instead of cooperation. It would be an anomaly to recover easily from this condition. SIMPLE VERSION: Hatred among people is the opposite of what is need for a good society. It causes hostility and aversion instead of cooperation. It would be an oddity to recover easily from this condition. HINDI: क्या आप इन पाँच शब्दों वाली एक कहानी बना सकते हैं? बैर विलोम विरोध घृणा विसंगति मेरी शब्दावली कहानी: लोगों के बीच शत्रुता एक अच्छे समाज की आवश्यकता के विपरीत है। यह सहयोग के स्थान पर विरोध और विद्वेष का कारण बनता है। इस स्थिति से आसानी से उबरना एक विसंगति होगी। सरल संस्करण: लोगों के बीच नफरत एक अच्छे समाज की आवश्यकता के विपरीत है। इससे सहयोग के स्थान पर शत्रुता और विद्वेष उत्पन्न होता है। इस स्थिति से आसानी से उबरना एक अजीब बात होगी। ARABIC: هل يمكنك إنشاء قصة تحتوي على هذه الكلمات الخمس؟: العداء نقيض عداوة العداء شذوذ قصتي المفردات: فالعداء بين الناس هو نقيض ما يحتاجه المجتمع الصالح. إنه يسبب العداء والكراهية بدلاً من التعاون. سيكون من الشذوذ التعافي بسهولة من هذه الحالة. نسخة بسيطة: فالكراهية بين الناس هي عكس ما يحتاجه المجتمع الصالح. يسبب العداء والنفور بدلاً من التعاون. سيكون من الغريب التعافي بسهولة من هذه الحالة. الهندية: KOREAN: 다음 다섯 단어를 포함하는 이야기를 만들 수 있나요? 악의 대조법 반대 반감 변칙 내 어휘 이야기: 사람들 사이의 적대감은 좋은 사회에 필요한 것과 정반대입니다. 협력은커녕 적대감과 반감을 낳는다. 이 상태에서 쉽게 회복되는 것은 이례적인 일입니다. 간단한 버전: 사람들 사이의 증오는 좋은 사회에 필요한 것과 정반대입니다. 협력 대신 적대감과 혐오감을 불러일으킵니다. 이 상태에서 쉽게 회복되는 것은 이상한 일입니다. VIETNAMESE: BẠN CÓ THỂ LÀM MỘT CÂU CHUYỆN CHỨA NĂM TỪ NÀY KHÔNG?: Hận thù phản đề ĐỐI THỦ CHỐNG BỆNH NGHĨA BÓNG CÂU CHUYỆN TỪ VỰNG CỦA TÔI: Sự thù địch giữa mọi người là phản đề của những gì cần thiết cho một xã hội tốt đẹp. Nó gây ra sự đối kháng và ác cảm thay vì hợp tác. Sẽ là một điều bất thường nếu có thể dễ dàng phục hồi sau tình trạng này. PHIÊN BẢN ĐƠN GIẢN: Sự hận thù giữa con người là điều trái ngược với những gì cần có cho một xã hội tốt đẹp. Nó gây ra sự thù địch và ác cảm thay vì hợp tác. Sẽ là một điều kỳ lạ nếu có thể phục hồi dễ dàng sau tình trạng này.


REVERSE TRANSLATIONS: HINDI: Can you create a story consisting of these five words? educational DEPRECATE reduce concealed summary My vocabulary story: Academics condemn the abbreviation of texts. No matter how vague or abstract it is, they insist. On the whole thing. Simple version: The professors refused to shorten the texts. No matter how difficult or thoracic it is, they emphasize. On the whole thing. Arabic: Can you make a story with these five words?: academic negligence abridge difficult abstract The story of my vocabulary: Academics denounce the abbreviation of texts. No matter how vague or abstract they are, they insist on On everything. Simple version: Professors do not agree with shortening texts. No matter how hard or pectoral they insist, they insist On everything. KOREAN: Can you create a story with these five words?: Academic Deprecation abridge abstruse notional My vocabulary story: Scholars no longer use summaries of texts. No matter how esoteric or abstract they are, they insist On everything. Simple version: Professors do not approve of shortening text. No matter how difficult or difficult it is, they insist On everything. VIETNAMESE: CAN YOU MAKE A STORY THAT CONTAINS THESE FIVE WORDS?: LEARN DEPRECATE SHORTENED ABSTRACT ABSTRACT MY VOCABULARY STORY: Scholars oppose the abridgement of texts. No matter how confusing or abstract it is, they emphasize on the whole. SIMPLIFIED VERSION: The professors disapproved of the shortening of the texts. No matter how difficult or radical, they emphasize on the whole.


NEW VOCABULARY STORY 53 Do Now NOW WITH HINDI, ARABIC AND KOREAN VERSIONS NOTE The translations are done by Google translate. A reverse translation shows varying accuracy. If those in the language groups included can do better, I will change it to your version. Paul Skittone CAN YOU MAKE A STORY CONTAINING THESE FIVE WORDS?: ACADEMIC DEPRECATE ABRIDGE ABSTRUSE ABSTRACT MY VOCABULARY STORY: Academics deprecate the abridgement of texts. No matter how abstruse or abstract it is, they insist on the whole thing. SIMPLE VERSION: Proffessors disapprove of the shortening of texts. No matter how difficult or thoretical it is, they insist on the whole thing. HINDI: क्या आप इन पांच शब्दों से युक्त एक कहानी बना सकते हैं? शैक्षिक DEPRECATE लघु करना गूढ़ सारांश मेरी शब्दावली कहानी: शिक्षाविद ग्रंथों के संक्षिप्त कीरण की निंदा करते हैं। कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ता कि यह कितना अस्पष्ट या अमूर्त है, वे जोर देते हैं। पूरी बात पर। सरल संस्करण: प्रोफेसरों ने ग्रंथों को छोटा करने को अस्वीकार कर दिया। कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ता कि यह कितना मुश्किल या थोरेटिकल है, वे जोर देते हैं। पूरी बात पर। ARABIC: هل يمكنك عمل قصة تحتوي على هذه الكلمات الخمس؟: جامعي إهمال اقتضب صعب تجريدي قصة مفرداتي: يستنكر الأكاديميون اختصار النصوص. بغض النظر عن مدى غموضها أو تجريدها ، فإنهم يصرون على على كل شيء. نسخة بسيطة: لا يوافق الأساتذة على تقصير النصوص. بغض النظر عن مدى صعوبة أو صدرية ، فإنهم يصرون على كل شيء. KOREAN: 이 다섯 단어가 포함된 이야기를 만들 수 있습니까?: 학구적인 사용 중단 간추리다 난해한 추상적인 내 어휘 이야기 : 학자들은 텍스트의 요약을 더 이상 사용하지 않습니다. 아무리 난해하거나 추상적이더라도 그들은 주장합니다 모든 것에. 간단한 버전 : 교수는 텍스트 단축을 승인하지 않습니다. 아무리 어렵거나 힘들더라도 그들은 주장합니다 모든 것에. VIETNAMESE: BẠN CÓ THỂ LÀM MỘT CÂU CHUYỆN CÓ CHỨA NĂM TỪ NÀY KHÔNG?: HỌC DEPRECATE RÚT NGẮN LẠI TRỪU TƯỢNG TRỪU TƯỢNG CÂU CHUYỆN TỪ VỰNG CỦA TÔI: Các học giả phản đối việc rút gọn các văn bản. Cho dù nó khó hiểu hay trừu tượng như thế nào, họ nhấn mạnh trên toàn bộ. PHIÊN BẢN ĐƠN GIẢN: Các giáo sư không tán thành việc rút ngắn các văn bản. Cho dù khó khăn hay triệt để như thế nào, họ nhấn mạnh trên toàn bộ.


Can you create a story consisting of these five words? event touchstone devotion to one’s religion pessimism abate My vocabulary story: An event from the Middle Ages was a standard attitude. It was a criterion of being a reasonable person. A person needs piety and pessimism. All this diminished with the modern era. ARABIC: । Can you make a story with these five words?: Phenomena standard piety pessimism relief The story of my vocabulary: The phenomenon of the Middle Ages was a standard position. It was a criterion to be a suitable person. A person needs piety and pessimism. All of that has dimmed with the modern era. KOREAN: An Make-A-Story Container Theses Five Wards?: Fenomina Crition Petey Pessimism Abate My Boccabulari Story: A Penomina of Tours Middle Agessworth Ah Standard Attitude. Itworth a criterion vs. a properpersone. Aperson Need the Have Pitti Pessimism in India. All Tart Avatar with Tour Modern Asia. VIETNAMESE: CAN YOU MAKE A STORY THAT CONTAINS THESE FIVE WORDS?: PHENOMENON STANDARD MORAL PESSIMISTIC LOWER MY VOCABULARY STORY: A phenomenon of the Middle Ages was a standard attitude. It is a criterion to be a right person. A person needs to be moral and pessimistic. All of that diminishes with modern times.
NEW VOCABULARY STORY 52     What was a Middle Ages Person Like?

NEW VOCABULARY STORY 52 What was a Middle Ages Person Like?

NEW VOCABULARY STORY Do Now NOW WITH HINDI, ARABIC AND KOREAN VERSIONS NOTE The translations are done by Google translate. A reverse translation shows varying accuracy. If those in the language groups included can do better, I will change it to your version. Paul Skittone CAN YOU MAKE A STORY CONTAINING THESE FIVE WORDS?: PHENOMENA CRITERION PIETY PESSIMISM ABATE MY VOCABULARY STORY: A phenomena of the Middle Ages was a standard attitude. It was a criterion to be a proper person. A person needed to have piety and pessimism. All that abated with the modern age. SIMPLE VERSION: A feature of the middle ages was a standard attitude. It was a standard to be correct. A person needed to be devout and gloomy about life. All that ended with the modern age. HINDI: क्या आप इन पांच शब्दों से युक्त एक कहानी बना सकते हैं? घटना कसौटी धर्मपरायणता निराशावाद धीमा होना मेरी शब्दावली कहानी: मध्य युग की एक घटना एक मानक रवैया था। यह एक उचित व्यक्ति होने का एक मानदंड था। एक व्यक्ति को धर्मपरायणता और निराशावाद की आवश्यकता होती है। यह सब आधुनिक युग के साथ कम हो गया। ARABIC: هل يمكنك عمل قصة تحتوي على هذه الكلمات الخمس؟: الظواهر معيار تقوى تشاؤم تخفيف قصة مفرداتي: كانت ظاهرة العصور الوسطى موقفا قياسيا. كان معيارا أن تكون شخصا مناسبا. يحتاج الشخص إلى التقوى والتشاؤم. كل ذلك خفت مع العصر الحديث. KOREAN: 이 다섯 단어가 포함된 이야기를 만들 수 있습니까?: 현상 표준 경건 비관 아바테 내 어휘 이야기 : 중세의 현상은 표준적인 태도였습니다. 제대로 된 사람이 되기 위한 기준이었다. 사람은 경건과 비관주의가 필요했습니다. 이 모든 것이 현대와 함께 완화되었습니다. VIETNAMESE: BẠN CÓ THỂ LÀM MỘT CÂU CHUYỆN CÓ CHỨA NĂM TỪ NÀY KHÔNG?: HIỆN TƯỢNG TIÊU CHUẨN ĐẠO ĐỨC BI QUAN HẠ CÂU CHUYỆN TỪ VỰNG CỦA TÔI: Một hiện tượng của thời Trung cổ là một thái độ tiêu chuẩn. Đó là một tiêu chí để trở thành một người đúng đắn. Một người cần phải có lòng đạo đức và bi quan. Tất cả những điều đó giảm bớt với thời hiện đại.


NEW VOCABULARY STORY Do Now NOW WITH HINDI, ARABIC AND KOREAN VERSIONS NOTE The translations are done by Google translate. A reverse translation shows varying accuracy. If those in the language groups included can do better, I will change it to your version. Paul Skittone CAN YOU MAKE A STORY CONTAINING THESE FIVE WORDS?: GENERALIZATION PERVASIVE DIMINUTION DEPICT GENRE MY VOCABULARY STORY: A generalization about inflation can be made. There is a pervasive diminution of product sizes. This is depicted for comedy in genre like TV and films. SIMPLE VERSION: A characterization about inflation can be made. There is a overall shrinking of product sizes. This is portrayed for comedy in artforms like TV and films. Reverse translations. By making shorter more direct sentences, it came better. HINDI: Can you create a story consisting of these five words? generalization pervading lack depict style My vocabulary story: A generalization can be made about inflation. There is a wide reduction in the size of the product. It has been featured for comedy in a genre such as TV and movies. Simple version: A characterization can be made about inflation. There is an overall decrease in the size of the product. It has been featured for comedy in art forms such as TV and movies. ARABIC: Can you make a story with these five words?: Circular Prevalent Diminution imagine genre The story of my vocabulary: A generalization can be made about inflation. There is a widespread diminishment in product volumes. This is portrayed for comedy in genre such as television and movies. Simple version: A characterization can be made about inflation. There is a general shrinkage in product sizes. This is filmed for comedy in art forms such as television and film. KOREAN: Can you create a story with these five words?: generalization diffusion reduction describe genre My vocabulary story: Generalizations about inflation can be made. Product sizes are widespread. This is portrayed as a comedy in the same genre as TV and movies. Simple version: You can characterize it for inflation. Product sizes are shrinking across the board. This is portrayed as a comedy in art forms such as TV and film. VIETNAMESE: An overview of inflation can be made. There is a common minimization of product sizes. This is described for comedy in genres such as television and film. SIMPLIFIED VERSION: A characterization of inflation can be made. There is an overall narrowing of product sizes. This is portrayed for comedy in art forms such as television and film.


NEW VOCABULARY STORY 51 Do Now NOW WITH HINDI, ARABIC AND KOREAN VERSIONS NOTE The translations are done by Google translate. A reverse translation shows varying accuracy. If those in the language groups included can do better, I will change it to your version. Paul Skittone CAN YOU MAKE A STORY CONTAINING THESE FIVE WORDS?: GENERALIZATION PERVASIVE DIMINUTION DEPICT GENRE MY VOCABULARY STORY: A generalization about inflation can be made. There is a pervasive diminution of product sizes. This is depicted for comedy in genre like TV and films. SIMPLE VERSION: A characterization about inflation can be made. There is a overall shrinking of product sizes. This is portrayed for comedy in artforms like TV and films. HINDI: क्या आप इन पांच शब्दों से युक्त एक कहानी बना सकते हैं? साधारणीकरण व्यापक कमी चित्रित करना शैली मेरी शब्दावली कहानी: मुद्रास्फीति के बारे में एक सामान्यीकरण किया जा सकता है। उत्पाद के आकार में व्यापक कमी है। यह टीवी और फिल्मों जैसी शैली में कॉमेडी के लिए चित्रित किया गया है। सरल संस्करण: मुद्रास्फीति के बारे में एक लक्षण वर्णन किया जा सकता है। उत्पाद के आकार में समग्र कमी आई है। यह टीवी और फिल्मों जैसे कलारूपों में कॉमेडी के लिए चित्रित किया गया है। ARABIC: هل يمكنك عمل قصة تحتوي على هذه الكلمات الخمس؟: التعميم انتشارا انتقاص تصور النوع قصة مفرداتي: يمكن إجراء تعميم حول التضخم. هناك تضاؤل واسع النطاق في أحجام المنتجات. يصور هذا للكوميديا في النوع مثل التلفزيون والأفلام. نسخة بسيطة: يمكن إجراء توصيف حول التضخم. هناك تقلص عام في أحجام المنتجات. يتم تصوير هذا للكوميديا في أشكال فنية مثل التلفزيون والأفلام. KOREAN: 이 다섯 단어가 포함된 이야기를 만들 수 있습니까?: 일반화 보급 감소 묘사하다 장르 내 어휘 이야기 : 인플레이션에 대한 일반화가 이루어질 수 있습니다. 제품 크기가 널리 퍼져 있습니다. 이것은 TV 및 영화와 같은 장르의 코미디로 묘사됩니다. 간단한 버전 : 인플레이션에 대한 특성화를 할 수 있습니다. 제품 크기가 전반적으로 축소되고 있습니다. 이것은 TV 및 영화와 같은 예술 형식의 코미디로 묘사됩니다. VIETNAMESE: BẠN CÓ THỂ LÀM MỘT CÂU CHUYỆN CÓ CHỨA NĂM TỪ NÀY KHÔNG?: TỔNG QUÁT RỘNG KHẮP NGỪNG SẢN XUẤT MIÊU TẢ LOẠI CÂU CHUYỆN TỪ VỰNG CỦA TÔI: Một khái quát về lạm phát có thể được thực hiện. Có một sự giảm thiểu phổ biến của kích thước sản phẩm. Điều này được mô tả cho hài kịch trong thể loại như truyền hình và phim. PHIÊN BẢN ĐƠN GIẢN: Một đặc tính về lạm phát có thể được thực hiện. Có một sự thu hẹp tổng thể của kích thước sản phẩm. Điều này được miêu tả cho hài kịch trong các loại hình nghệ thuật như truyền hình và phim ảnh.